Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Easter Bunny Pictures

Here are pictures with Lilah and the Easter Bunny from the beginning of April.  She was not like a lot of other children in line who were scared and she took some good photos!

Little Buddha belly showing!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Longggggg Weekend

This was a busy weekend for us because there was so much going on.  On Friday, we started out the day by going to the post office to order new mailbox keys because we could not find the old one.  After that, we went and got David a new shovel and went to Lilah’s doctor’s appointment.  The doctor asked us some questions about how she was doing and asked us questions.  She measured at 31 inches in height (95 percentile), 23 lbs. (75 percentile), and just under 50th percentile for head circumference. The doctor says she is very advanced for her age.  She also had 4 shots and the first two she was confused about but the last two she cried.  After that, we went and had lunch with David’s dad at Five Guys and Lilah loved eating her burger.  After lunch, we went and had pictures taken at Sears where she did some fantastic pictures (really some of her best)!  We then went back home where David tore out the front garden with his dad using his Mack truck to pull out the bushes and Lilah was fascinated by the display.  After that, we went and relaxed for a bit and had dinner at David’s parents where Lilah had fun but she was tired because we did not get out of there until after her bedtime.
On Saturday, David worked at his granddads again with his Dad, Lilah and I brought them lunch from Arby’s and I took Lilah and Dominick to Centennial Park and they had a blast.  We walked around the whole trail and Dominick and Lilah had fun on the playground (Lilah loved going down the slides).  After that, we went to a consignment shop in Ellicott City (Once Upon a Child) and we picked out a kids table for David’s parents’ house and Dominick picked out a toy for himself.  We then rode up to Lisbon and Dominick got a happy meal from McDonalds and I dropped him off at his house.  We then went home and cleaned up a bit.
On Sunday, we went to Layla’s Baptism and Lilah did not want to behave for most of the service so we were outside in the hallway for most of it except the last 5 minutes.  Then she liked how the trumpets went to the front of the room and she got a good view.  After that, we drove over to Wayne’s parents for a reception and we hung out in the basement.  Lilah kept trying to go after M&M’s and we kept telling her “no.”  She had fun with Jonathan though and at the end when they started playing music, Lilah started swaying and dancing and showing off to everyone.  After that, we went home and David put Lilah to sleep while I did homework.
Today was interesting because Lilah was out of wipes at daycare so I had to get more at BabiesRUs and bring them at lunch.  After I picked everything up, I drove over and Lilah was crying and would not let me put her down because she was tired.  I also picked Lilah up a hamburger and Dana said it was alright I could feed her with the other children and she ate a few bites.  The other children were stalking me the hamburger though and some tried to crawl in my lap.  After she ate a few bites of it, she would not let me put her down and I had to basically run out so I could get back to work.  This is why I prefer to go early in the morning because she is more willing to go to sleep or cuddle with Dana while I go to work.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lilah's First Day at Work

Yesterday, I brought Lilah to work in the morning for her birthday.  We went to the cafeteria and got french toast and she loved it!  We also sent out e-mails and organized some files.  She was very instrumental to the efforts put forth.  She also met a ton of people and was very social with everyone.  When I dropped her off at day care she went right up to the other kids and started playing.  I've been noticing this more and more where she will just go to them and not have any separation problems.  Oh well, I guess it is good she is becoming more independent.  Afterwards, I went back and worked for the rest of the day.  When I picked Lilah up from day care she was happy.  When we got home, we did not do much other than watch Happy Feet 2 which was awesome.  Lilah started dancing to the musical numbers.  She can really swing and sway now!  She is getting so big and she is no longer my baby.  After that, we went upstairs and Lilah had a bath, got dressed, and slept in bed with us.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Yesterday was a good day.  When I picked up Lilah, Sarah told me how Lilah gobbled up cake.  She did not care that it was not hers either, she went right up to another kids plate and grabbed a handful and shoved it in her mouth.  That cracked me up when I heard that, especially since she was not sure of it on Sunday.  Then they also told me how she has become an expert at taking off her diaper and did it 3 times (once right before I came).  When we got home, we all went to the grocery store because we wanted to get a few things.  They were having a good buy one get one free deal at Safeway and we were taking advantage of it.  After we finished grocery shopping, we went home and I accidently dropped the eggs.  Luckily, only two cracked and I used them in some muffins so they did not go to waste.  After that, David made dinner while I bathed Lilah and put lotion on her.  She has definitely started getting dry skin so I am trying to put it on her everyday.  After that, we all went to bed and had some good sleep.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The exhaustingly fun weekend

This whole weekend was a complete blur to me because there was so much going on.  On Friday, it was my first day off from starting my new schedule but David had to work.  So, Lilah and I went to visit Dani in Severn because it has been a long time since we have seen her.  We hung out at her house for a bit and I put suntan lotion on her before we went to a park to walk around.  Lilah hated the suntan lotion and hated even more so when I had to put it on her head.  She looked like she was related to Albert Einstein.  We drove to a park and walked a short trail with Dani and her fiancĂ© Matt (Lilah was on my shoulders).  Matt rode his motorcycle there and Lilah loved playing with it.  She liked sitting on it and wanted to drive it.  Afterwards, Dani and I went to lunch at Lemongrass, which was fantastic.  Lilah enjoyed her fruit and causing mayhem around the restaurant.  After that, we went to Wal-Mart where Dani picked out some clothes for Lilah’s birthday and a baby shower she is going to soon.  All that fun was tiring on Lilah so we went back home to Daddy.  When he got back home, his mother came by to drop off a card for Lilah and her Great Grandmother Dorothy gave her a nice card and donation to her college fund.  We all decided we needed something to do so we all walked to Jimmy Cone and got ice cream with David’s parents, John and Jonathan. Jonathan enjoyed sampling everyone’s ice cream and playing with his truck.  Lilah enjoyed walking everywhere and playing with her Daddy.  After that, we went to back to our house, went shopping out of our freezer, and went to David’s parents’ house for dinner and that was the end of that night.
On Saturday, we started the day early and went to some yard sales because we saw some things we wanted to get.  Luckily, even though we got a late start, we managed to get to the first one to get the DVD player we wanted.  We also went to a few more where we got some clothes, some DVD’s for Lilah, and David got some legos for “Lilah.”  Even though he already has many legos “Lilah” can play with but mostly likes to throw them either at people, or so they trip on them, David still found them necessary since they were 75 cents, and they made him happy.  After that, Lilah and I dropped David off at his truck and we went shopping.  We first went to toysrus to get baby food for Lilah since they were having a good sale where each pouch (Lilah refuses to eat anything in a jar anymore) for a $1.  After that, we went to the shopping center where Mom’s Organic was.  There we walked around the shops and Lilah decided she liked White House/Black Market and I tried to say “bye-bye” so she would want to come back but she ran away into the store so she could play with the clothes and necklaces.  The store workers thought she was adorable and they loved her good taste in clothing.  After that, we went into Mom’s Organic Market because I had a groupon for them and I needed a pizza for Sunday’s party because one of my nephews cannot eat eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, nuts or soy (there is a difference I just do not know what).  We managed to find a pizza that did not have eggs in it and looked appetizing.  We also picked up some baby food for Lilah and I grabbed a magazine to finish off the total so we could use the groupon.  After that, we went back to the house and dropped everything off and Lilah took a nap for 3 hours (all that shopping tuckered her out).  After she finished her nap, she had some dinner and we drove to Safeway to do grocery shopping and pick up some more party supplies.  Since we were having a dinosaur theme birthday, I had supplies for goodie bags but I felt like there should be something more so I picked up oatmeal with dinosaur eggs in them.  After that, we went home, David came home later, and Lilah went to sleep.  Once David and Lilah went to bed I put together goodie bags, put the baby food away, and got some homework done.  I was going to finish homework but Lilah started crying and I know she does not sleep well when David is not in bed with us so I went to bed so she could sleep.

On Sunday, we had a relaxing morning until I pulled out the pizza I got from yesterday and I looked at the back again.  Even though the ingredients said there were no eggs or soy in it, it had a warning saying that while the ingredients were not used in it, the pizza was made around it.  So, I rushed over to Food Lion where it took forever to find a pizza that did not have eggs in it or soy (they can trick you when they say soybean).  I learned that a soy nut is just a roasted soybean and they are not nuts.  But this made it extremely difficult to find something but luckily I managed to find a pizza that worked and I walked back home.  After I put the pizza in the oven, Lilah decided it was time to take a nap on me.  After David packed up the car, I gave Lilah to him so I could change.  Once we got to the restaurant, David stayed in the car with Lilah while I decorated and paid for the cake.  The cake was divine looking and was beautiful.  The party was a lot of fun and everyone had a good time.  All the kids loved pin the head on the dinosaur.  There was a lot of left over pizza and cake.  Lilah, David, and I were very grateful for all the wonderful presents she received from everyone.  When we got home, Lilah got to play with some of her new presents; we sorted out clothes and put Lilah to bed.  She went to sleep at 6:30pm and other than waking up for bottles she stayed asleep.  She either was really worn out from the party or she is going through a growth spurt which makes sense because she’s been eating a lot and sleeping a lot.
This morning Lilah still refused to wake up after I dropped her off at day care though she was opening her eyes a bit.  She must of really needed the sleep but I think she will have an awesome day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Here are pictures of everyone on Sunday.

Egg Hunt

Here are pictures of Lilah's First Egg Hunt!!!!  This happened at the Charlotte's Nature Center in Manchester.