Friday, March 30, 2012

Quiet Day

Yesterday was rather quiet for us.  Once I picked up Lilah from daycare and went home, we mostly just played until David got home.  Lilah had a good time but she did not want to eat too much but she was okay with drinking formula.  After David got home, we relaxed for a while but then Lilah started to get fussy so we gave her some tylenol and she calmed down.  She does look like she's doing better yesterday but needed to sleep it off.  At 7:30pm, David and Lilah went upstairs so he could put her to bed but they ended up sleep together on the bed and neither of them wanted dinner.  After that, I did homework, cleaned up the house a bit, and made dinner for Angelica and I.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Yesterday was a good day for all of us.  When I picked up Lilah she was being adorable and playing with Major.  When each of them are in their cribs, they will reach over and touch each others hands and talk to each other.  They play really well with each other and have a great time.  When we got home, Lilah did not want to be put down and wanted some snuggle time.  After that, we hung out and Lilah was playing with her toys.  When David got home, we all went on a walk to Safeway where we did some grocery shopping.  After that, we got home and had pizza and salad for dinner.  Lilah was not very interested in food then.  She currently has a cold and sore throat and went to the doctor Tuesday to make sure it was not an ear infection.  Her ears were perfect except for a bit of wax in them the doctor got out, and her strep test is negative.  The doctor said her gums were swollen and it looks like she's getting some new teeth because they have been popping more.  Last night, she was hard to put in her crib so she stayed in bed with us while watching Rio (her favorite movie).  Luckily, she did not wake as badily as Tuesday night and it looks like she's feeling better.  Her new favorite word now is "no" and likes to say it to everything.  She also likes to have entire conversations with us in babble.  Here are some pictures from the weekend of the cuddle monster and me.

Here is Lilah and me on Saturday.  She was having a good time watching Sesame Street.

Here is a picture from Sunday after Lilah after I got her calmed down.  She was just not a happy baby then and was doing terrible.  Luckily, after her nap she was back to her old self.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Crazy Times

I haven't been posting in a while because I was working a lot these last couple of weeks at a panel meeting.  I should start posting regularly again.  The weekend was interesting though.  On Saturday, we did not do much because of the rain but Lilah and I went to visit Mike, Jess, and Rayford.  Lilah had a wonderful time playing with Rayford and running around.  On Sunday morning, Lilah was her normal self but in the afternoon she was a mess and threw up in the car because she was so upset.  It took a while before she calmed down and went to sleep.  Once she woke up from her nap, she was great but I was a wreck.  Luckily, she went back to her normal self and was trying to eat dog food like always.  Now she has a routine where she will not go directly for the dog food.  She will first crawl around the kitchen and then make her way to it.  I'm guessing she's thinking that we won't catch her?  I'm going to have to get it on tape one of these days.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Here is another video

Awesome times going down the slide...

Video from Saturday

Here is a video from Saturday at Jonathan's birthday party

He claims it was self defense...


Luckily, Sunday to now has been more relaxing for us all.  On Sunday, David went to work on his Granddad Pete's house to work on it and Lilah and I went to hang out with Granny Johnson and Jonathan.  After all that, we went back home, went to the grocery store with Daddy, and relaxed for the rest of the night.  On Monday, Lilah has learned to drink through a straw!  She was very excited to show me at day care.  On Tuesday though, Lilah had another great day and she started walking Sesame Street on TV!  On Wednesday, she walked again at day care when I set her up.  She has been very selective with her walking and has been taking to it leisurely.  She is definitely the kind of baby where she will do things in her own time and you can never make her do otherwise.  When I dropped her off this morning, she was still asleep, but hopefully, she has a good day today as well.

Saturday Part 4--Saturday Night

After the party, we went home to relax for a little bit and headed over to Angie's.  Once we got to Angie's, we dropped off Lilah and took Rayna to see the Lorax.  It was a brilliant movie and really touching.  We all really enjoyed it (even David was dancing to the musical numbers.)  While we were at the movies, Lilah had a fabulous time with her Aunt Angie and she took pictures to prove it.

Here are the pictures she took while Lilah was there.

At first, Lilah did not know what to do with herself.

She then figured out she would go through her diaper bag and found the tylenol.

She then thought it would be fun to read and play with a book.

She got a lovely new hat.

She then decided she wanted her pacifer.

After all that playing, Lilah needed a drink.

But she got herself messy so she had her clothes changed and then stood by herself for a full 5 minutes.

After all that hard work, Lilah needed a rest.

She stayed like this for a couple of hours until we got back.

When we got back she had a bottle and then went poop.  We then needed an outfit change.  After that, cousin Rayna was more than happy to play with us.  We like to spin and dip.


More spinning!

This was the end to our extremely eventful day.  Luckily, Sunday was more relaxing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Saturday Part 3--More Pictures from the Birthday party

The party was a lot of fun and everyone had a great time.  The food was also fantastic and Lilah enjoyed having a piece of pizza and cookie to herself.  Now off to part 3!!!!