Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why you would regret not having a camera on you...

Yesterday, I truly wished I had my camera.  Lilah and David were a trip yesterday.  After I picked up Lilah from daycare, we went home like normal.  She was in an unusually good mood, was going everywhere, playing with everything, and chasing the dogs.  When I opened the door to let the dogs out, she crawled outside and had fun there.  Afterwards, we walked over to Food Lion where we picked up a couple of things for the week and she was flirting with the checkout clerk.  He thought she was very cute.  After that, we went back home where Daddy was watching TV.  Lilah was excited to see him and bounced until he hugged her.  This was where things got crazy.  David was playing peek-a-boo with her and started dancing around with a shirt on his head.  Lilah thought it was hysterical and started playing peek-a-boo too!  David was nice enough to make dinner (grilled cheese) and we all ate dinner together and had fun.  We decided we are making her one too because she likes it so much.  After that, we went upstairs and Lilah had a bath (which she loves as always), and went to bed.  She actually slept in her crib last night until 2:00am though David thought she looked like a victim of a car accident spread out all over.
Lesson learned from yesterday: try and have a camera on you at all times

But good news for today!!!  We finally decided where we are taking our vacations.  This year will be Williamsburg, VA and Florida to visit my Aunt and Grandmother.  We were thinking of New York but we missed the less expensive times (Jan-beginning of March) but I will keep looking in case there is a good deal.

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