Monday, February 27, 2012

The busy bee's weekend...

This weekend was eventful for us all.  On Friday, I went to work while David and Lilah hung out and they had fun together.  After I got home, I caught them cuddling together and they looked adorable.  Later on, we went to temple where it was a nice service and Lilah tried asking the Rabbi questions.  We gave her David’s phone to keep her quiet but then she dialed 911.  I swear this kid is on a roll.

            On Saturday, was the day David and I began cleaning Granddad Pete’s house.  I wish I thought to take before and after pictures of the house.  Lilah hung out with her Aunt Angelica and they had some fun together!  They drove around a bit, went to Walmart, and hung out at home.

Here is a picture on the ride to Walmart.

And here are some pictures from when they were playing at home.

 On the ride back, I got lost and took the wrong way on 94.  I ended up in Damascus and it took me twice as long to get home.

On Sunday, David went back to clean Granddad Pete’s house and I was supposed to go talk to my sister Angie about her future wedding.  My sister-in-law Angie watched Lilah while I went to visit Kelsey before meeting with Angie (sister).  Angie (sister) called and cancelled because she had to move to a new place.  So, I spent time with Kelsey until Angie (sister-in-law) got back home with Lilah.  Lilah did well with her and they had fun together.  Angie had her watching Spongebob Squarepants and she found it hysterical and thought it was the silliest thing ever.  After I got home with Lilah, we hung out and played a bit.  She then decided to take a nap on me until David got home.  Afterwards, David took a shower and was too tired to go out with his family for dinner.  Over the course of the weekend, Lilah did not want to eat food.  My guess is the two front teeth that are still coming in and causing her pain. 


  1. Did I mention that while SpongeBob was on she kept crawling over to the tv, pulling herself up, and trying to climb INTO the tv set?

  2. That is funny!!!!!! Thanks for letting me know :)
