Her measurements today were weight was 21.1 pounds (75%), height 29.5 inches (95%), and head circumference 44 cm (50%).
They gave us a sheet on how to care for her at this age bracket (9 months).
For feeding, they described the feeding as she should be eating 6-8 ounces of forumla a feeding 4 times a day. If she is not eating at least 32 ounces of forumla a day we need to give her vitamin D. We are also supposed to start weaning from the bottle and she should start drinking formula and juice from a cup. We are can start giving her meat.
For development, they described she should start to pull herself up to a stand (yea right), she loves to bang things to make sounds, and she should start saying "dada" and "mama." According to the paper, she is also starting to learn what "no" means, and we should discipline her by gently but firmly saying no and either taking away the toy or removing her from the situation. We should also talk about the toys she uses and describe them to her.
For sleep, she should have a regular bedtime hour and routine. We are also allowed to put her to bed with a blanket or toy, and put to bed when she's drowsy but not asleep.
For shoes, if they are not necessary do not use them. When she does need them outside, put a flexible tennis shoe on her.
For reading and electronic media, infants enjoy the touch books and listening to nursery rhymes, and it's important to set rules about television watching.
For dental care, we should wipe her teeth (there are 2 of them ^_^) with a wet wash cloth and make it fun for her so she can get used to it.
Safety tips given were that we need to child-proof the home, and remove or pad furniture with sharp corners.
For some hazards on choking and suffocation, we should avoid foods which a child might choke (e.g. candy, hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, etc.), cut her food into small pieces, and store toys in a chest without a dropping lid.
Concerns with fires and burns are to check smoke detector, put plastic covers in electrical outlets, keep hot appliances and cords out of reach, all electrical appliances out of the bathroom, do not cook when child is at your feet, use back burners on stove, and turn water heater down to 120 degrees F.
They also warn on falls and to make sure windows are closed or have screens that cannot be pushed out.
For car safety, the sheet describes that if your child is 20 pounds and still riding in an infant seat, it is time for a new car seat.
For water safety, they say to never leave an infant or toddler alone in the bathtub (who does that??), and supervise infant around water (bath, toliet, and buckets).
For poisoning, make sure to keep all medicines, vitamins, cleaning fluids, and other chemicals locked away and to dipose of them safely, we should also put safety latches on cabinets, and keep poison center number on all phones.
For smokers, they warn that children who live in a house where someone who smokes have more respiratory infections (with more severe symptoms and last longer), and if you smoke stop but if you can't do not do it in the house or near children.
She had to get a Hep B shot today and after the nurse gave it to her she was confused for a few seconds before starting to cry. She was very upset with her and Daddy for making her get that awful shot (Mommy didn't hold her so she still liked me).
Her next visit will be when she is a year old.
After her doctor's visit, we decided she needed a toy to make up for the traumatic experience.
We went through a bunch of toys at Walmart and she decided on an awesome toy!!!!
A stuffed puppy ^_^
She absolutely loves her puppy!!!
This was a stick our tongue out moment :)
Cuddle time!!!!
Awwwweeeee Daddy nice kiss!!!!!
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