Monday, May 7, 2012

The weekend

The weekend seemed longer than usual but we did not have too much going luckily.  On Friday, we went grocery shopping and cleaned up the house.  Later, we went with David’s parents to Frederick and had dinner at the Double T Diner.  Lilah kept going after Jonathan’s cookie so we gave her one of her own.
Here is a picture of Lilah and Mommy with the cookie.  As you can plainly see, I was trying to share the cookie with Lilah but she preferred to eat it herself.

On Saturday, we went to some yard sales where we got an ice cream maker for $2.00.  Later, we went to Rayna’s softball game where we learned Angie and Kyla were in a car accident.  Angie was okay but Kyla got her head knocked around and has a concussion. Rayna did extremely well as a short stop and she also played outfield.  After that, we went home and made fish for dinner.  Lilah was not terribly interested in food the whole weekend but I was happy to see her eat.  We think the reason she had that horrible fever the week before was due to the 6 teeth that popped through (the molar is still trying) that were not there before the fever.  It was currently surprising seeing that many teeth at once, and I was more surprised with when she bit me with them.
On Sunday, we did not do too much but later on in the day when we knew we would not be needed, Jeff and Khalia came over and we took them to David’s granddad’s to meet Football the beagle because they were considering adopting him.  They decided they really liked Football and they will call us when they get their house cleaned up for a second dog.  After that, we went back to our house and had dinner and fresh bread (we finally used the bread maker from the holidays ^_^).  I’m hoping Lilah has a good day at day care today.   One issue we’ve been having with Lilah is that she is refusing the sippy cup all together unless another child is drinking it (adults do not count).  Hopefully, she will get on that soon and off the bottle.  At least she really likes eating food and she absolutely hates baby food now and just tries to make art with it or throw it if we give it to her.  All I can say is oy.

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