Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Yesterday was a good day.  When I picked up Lilah, Sarah told me how Lilah gobbled up cake.  She did not care that it was not hers either, she went right up to another kids plate and grabbed a handful and shoved it in her mouth.  That cracked me up when I heard that, especially since she was not sure of it on Sunday.  Then they also told me how she has become an expert at taking off her diaper and did it 3 times (once right before I came).  When we got home, we all went to the grocery store because we wanted to get a few things.  They were having a good buy one get one free deal at Safeway and we were taking advantage of it.  After we finished grocery shopping, we went home and I accidently dropped the eggs.  Luckily, only two cracked and I used them in some muffins so they did not go to waste.  After that, David made dinner while I bathed Lilah and put lotion on her.  She has definitely started getting dry skin so I am trying to put it on her everyday.  After that, we all went to bed and had some good sleep.

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