Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The long weekend

It’s been a while since I updated but there’s been a lot going on and I wanted to wait until I took pictures over the weekend to post.  I finished my first class on Sunday in Management Principals and I got an A.  On Friday after I got home, Lilah and David were having a good time together and were giving shout outs to the camera.

Here are some pictures from that fateful night.

Lilah liked clapping her hands and looking at them.

Grabbing Daddy's hair made her smile.

Afterwards, David was excited about temple having a Dr. Seuss service (that surprised me how into excited he was) because it was Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  Unfortunately, Lilah decided the service was the time to talk and David had to keep bringing her out because she did not want to stop chatting.  After the service, we went right back home because Lilah was being extremely cranky and wanted to sleep.  On Saturday, we all went to David’s Granddad Pete’s house where David worked around the house and I watched Lilah.  I was also watching Cody after Wayne, Marianne, and Trey left to go to a basketball goodbye event.  While I was watching Cody, he said how he was bored sitting around so I said we could go do something.  He gave me that sweet sneaky smile of his and asked if we could go to Chuck-E-Cheese.  I could not resist so I said yes.  Then we waited until Carol and Jonathan came so they could come too.  I was glad David’s mom came because I under estimated how difficult three children would be (especially since two were under 2 years).  We all had a good time, though Lilah slept through a good bit of the trip but she later woke up and had a piece of pizza and some ice cream.  Cody and Jonathan had a great time though, Cody won 42 tickets by himself, and Jonathan won 84 (he had some help with some of the games).  Afterwards, we went back to Pete’s where we dropped Cody and Jonathan off and I went back home to get ready for the evening.  David and I went to a sorority event in Towson where there were only seven people there including us.  Though there were not many people there, there was a good DJ and we danced to some music.  David’s Mom watched Lilah for us while we went and Lilah had a good time with her at Pete’s house while everyone worked.

            On Sunday, we woke up around 8:00am but did not start moving until the afternoon.  David preferred if Lilah was not around with him working because she was more of a distraction and prevented work from getting done.  So, Lilah and I went and hung out with Kelsey and had a good time.

Here is a picture of us beginning our time at the mall.  Lilah was still waking up at this point.

After that, Lilah and I drove home to let the dogs out and drove back to Pete’s.  She was asleep the whole time until we arrived at Pete’s.  Once we got in there, I misplaced my keys but David later found them on a table.  After that, we went home where David went to bed and I got things ready for tomorrow.

            Yesterday went by fast for me I did not realize the time until it was 30 minutes before I was supposed to leave.  Then it was agonizingly slow.  Afterwards, I picked up Lilah where she was excited to see me.  It turns out there is another baby who started Monday named Major.  Lilah was jealous of the new baby when Miss Dana picked him up and she did not like it at all.  When we got home, Lilah and I played and had a good time.  Later, after David and Angelica came home Lilah was excited about seeing them.  Lilah was playing with Angelica and they were posing for the camera.

Here are some pictures.

I will poke you!!!

Diva Pose :)

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